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Google Voice

Phone solutions for businesses

Effortlessly conquer your organisation's communication hurdles. Stay connected, organised, and productive with our seamless phone solution.

AI-Powered Communication

Google Voice leverages AI to streamline your communication. Automatically block spam calls, transcribe voicemails, and easily set up your virtual PBX. Customise settings to optimise your workday, all from a user-friendly console. Enjoy powerful features at an affordable price.


Seamless Integration for Enhanced Communication

Google Voice seamlessly integrates with your most-used tools like Google Meet and Calendar, keeping you focused on the conversation. Efficiently manage call routing, queues, and gain in-depth insights into your call traffic.

Secure, Stable, and Private Communication

When it comes to your conversations, trust matters. Google Voice delivers with high-performance SLAs designed to meet your needs. Backed by Google's robust security infrastructure, you can be confident that your communications are protected from today's cyber threats and prepared for those of tomorrow.

Experience the future of business communication

Simplify communication with Google Voice. Forget the hassle and expense of traditional PBX systems. With Google Voice enjoy:


“Con l’adozione di Google Workspace abbiamo abilitato un cambio di mindset. In un’azienda con tassi di crescita a doppia cifra come Caffè Borbone la rapidità e l’efficacia sono vitali. Anche lavorando da remoto con gli strumenti Google la produttività è migliorata moltissimo. Oggi si riescono a reperire e condividere le informazioni importanti più agevolmente”.
Paolo CozziICT Manager in Caffè Borbone
“Oggi grazie a Google Workspace risolviamo problemi e attività quotidiane, il nostro flusso di lavoro è più continuo e lineare. È importante continuare a investire nella formazione per sfruttare tutte le funzionalità delle App, come di Vault, utile per la governance delle informazioni e l’eDiscovery”.
Gabriele ChiaramonteProduct Manager in Restorative Neurotechnologies
“La Privacy, dopo il GDPR, è un tema molto delicato e Google soddisfa pienamente questi standard. Anche se i nostri collaboratori sanno cosa possono condividere con account esterni, come amministratore della console Google Workspace autorizzo visualizzazioni e modifiche ai vari account aziendali”.
Lorenzo CasadeiProduct Development & Marketing Manager in Angiodroid

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Can I decide when I don't want to receive phone calls?

Yes. In Google Voice Settings, you can activate the Do Not Disturb function when needed. We remind you that calls are regularly forwarded to voicemail outside of the working hours you have set in Calendar and during Out of Office periods.

What operating systems does Google Voice work?

Here are the compatible operating systems (we refer to the current version and the two previous major versions):

  • Chrome OS
  • Apple Mac
  • Microsoft Windows
  • Android (latest 2 versions)
  • Apple iOS (latest 2 versions)

Limited functionality may be available on other platforms.

Compatible web browsers

Google Voice is compatible with the current version and one previous major version of these browsers:

  • Chrome Browser
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Mozilla Firefox (Windows and Mac)
  • Safari
Is it possible to perform specific searches in Google Voice history?

Of course, you have the following options for your searches in Google Voice history:

  • from: with a name or phone number, you can find messages, calls, or voicemails you received from that person.
  • to: with a name or phone number, you can find calls or messages you sent to that person.
  • with: find calls, messages, or voicemails exchanged with that specific person.
  • num: find calls, messages, or voicemails exchanged with the number you indicate.

Search by date: before: followed by the date or after: followed by the date.

Search by folder:

  • in:inbox in your inbox.
  • in:sms in text messages.
  • in:voicemail in voicemails.
  • in:unread for new or unread ones.
  • in:trash for those in the trash.

Search by keyword:

  • message: find texts or voicemails containing a specific keyword.
Can I receive calls to join a Meet meeting?

Participants in a Google Meet meeting can invite you by calling your Google Voice number. When you answer the call, you will be connected to the meeting.

The details you see will depend on the privacy settings of the Google Calendar event. You will be able to see the meeting title on your phone if one of the following conditions is true:

  • Your Google Voice number belongs to the same domain as the meeting.
  • Someone has explicitly added you as a participant in the meeting.

If the meeting visibility is set to Private in Calendar, the meeting title will not be displayed.