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Google Keep

Take note of your ideas, wherever you are

From to-do lists to random musings. Capture every thought, big or small, with Google Keep. Notes, lists, photos, and audio, all in one place, smartly synced across your devices. 

Empower Your Team with Shared Notes & Fewer Notifications

Say goodbye to endless email chains and scattered messages. Google Keep provides a centralised hub where teams can collaborate seamlessly. Share ideas, track to-do lists, and stay updated in real-time – all without the constant ping of notifications.  Focus on what matters most, and watch your team's productivity soar.


Find What You Need, Instantly

No more digging through endless notes and lists. Keep's powerful search helps you locate any idea, task, or reminder in seconds. So you can spend less time searching and more time creating.

More Than Sticky Notes

Access your notes on any device - computer, phone, tablet, you name it. Keep syncs everything to the cloud, so your brilliant ideas are always within reach. No more excuses for forgetting that crucial note!


Drowning in Notes & Reminders?

There's a better way.


“Con l’adozione di Google Workspace abbiamo abilitato un cambio di mindset. In un’azienda con tassi di crescita a doppia cifra come Caffè Borbone la rapidità e l’efficacia sono vitali. Anche lavorando da remoto con gli strumenti Google la produttività è migliorata moltissimo. Oggi si riescono a reperire e condividere le informazioni importanti più agevolmente”.
Paolo CozziICT Manager in Caffè Borbone
“Oggi grazie a Google Workspace risolviamo problemi e attività quotidiane, il nostro flusso di lavoro è più continuo e lineare. È importante continuare a investire nella formazione per sfruttare tutte le funzionalità delle App, come di Vault, utile per la governance delle informazioni e l’eDiscovery”.
Gabriele ChiaramonteProduct Manager in Restorative Neurotechnologies
“La Privacy, dopo il GDPR, è un tema molto delicato e Google soddisfa pienamente questi standard. Anche se i nostri collaboratori sanno cosa possono condividere con account esterni, come amministratore della console Google Workspace autorizzo visualizzazioni e modifiche ai vari account aziendali”.
Lorenzo CasadeiProduct Development & Marketing Manager in Angiodroid

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How can I use Google Keep?

Here are some tips for using Keep to its fullest:

  • Create a list
  • Save a drawing as a note
  • Add labels and colors or lock notes
  • Archive notes and lists
  • Set reminders for notes.
Can I share a note with Google Keep?

Yes, you can share notes, lists, and drawings with other people to involve them in editing. If you delete a shared note that you own, the note will be deleted for everyone.

Can I also use Google Keep in other Google Workspace applications?

Of course, you can create, view, and insert notes in Google Keep within a Document or Presentation.

Can I set reminders?

Yes, set reminders by entering a specific time or when you reach a specific location (enter the address and, of course, authorise Keep to access your location). You can also set repetition.

What are the requirements for Google Keep?

Save the address to your favorites and access the Keep website from these browsers:

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Windows computers only: Internet Explorer 11, Microsoft Edge
  • Mac computers only: Safari

Other browsers also work, but you may not be able to use all of Keep's features.