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power2Cloud05/08/193 min

Portugal aims for Tourism 4.0. TravelBI: "More information. Better decisions."

Today we are talking about tourism, not to rank the most popular destinations for this summer.

While the vacation season has officially begun for many, insiders are drawing up budgets and drafting new proposals to reschedule the next tourist season.

A thoughtful and interesting reflection comes from Roberta Milano, Travel and Tourism Digital Strategist for years on the scientific committee of BTO (Buy Tourism Online), co-founder of BTO Educational, who applauded the initiative undertaken by Turismo de Portugal. The entity in fact presented in its strategy the TravelBI, a knowledge management platform for the tourism business, which provides indicators and statistics of activity, analysis and market trends.

"Nice news on the tourism front from Turismo de Portugal," comments Roberta Milano, "which has been growing for a few years now, and not by accident: the first nation to have, for example, a Tourism 4.0 plan. Looking ahead, having an innovative strategy, execution: this is the magic formula to copy. The Open Data platform allows any entity or citizen access to georeferenced data in a free and open form. The data can be freely used, reused and redistributed by anyone without copyright restrictions. In this way, all citizens and businesses can use public data, contributing to the realization of innovative services and the creation of new business models, as well as promoting collaboration, participation and social innovation."

In fact, the official website ( reads "Mais Informação. Melhores Decisões," meaning More Information. Better decisions.


Portugal sets its sights on Tourism 4.0 with TravelBI

Portugal thus puts its foot on the accelerator and aims for Tourism 4.0.

As stated on the official website of Turismo de Portugal, "the Tourism Strategy 2027, approved by the Council of Ministers 134/2017, on September 27, aims to promote the economy to establish Portugal as an international reference pole in innovation and entrepreneurship." This project will be supported by the Association NEST - Tourism Innovation Center and the FIT - Fostering Innovation in Tourism program, a partnership between Turismo de Portugal and a network of 40 national incubators to support the development of new ideas and business models in tourism and support the participation of startups in international tourism fairs.



Portugal "Best Destination in Europe 2019"

Portugal is not slow to stand out, in fact it was awarded at the World Travel Awards as Best Destination in Europe 2019 (Europe's Leading Tourist Board) and the Portugal Tourism Board as Best Official Tourist Board.

An important certificate that comes from more than 140 nominations in 70 categories to stimulate the competitiveness and quality of Tourism.  This is the sixth consecutive year that the National Tourism Authority has received the award, which, as its president Luís Araújo states. "is, above all, a recognition of the excellence of all of Portugal's Tourism employees who, on a daily basis, prove that they are up to this enormous challenge to lead the tourism of the future. The international accolades we have achieved in recent years demonstrate that the Tourism Strategy 2027, the strategic framework for the sector, is able to position Portugal as a destination that can (and should) be visited throughout the year and that offers diverse tourism experiences throughout. Portugal has it all, for everyone." (In total, and in the various categories, Portugal received 39 awards, three more than in 2018.)


Italy must focus on digital accessibility of the tourism system

What about Italy? "According to data released by Google -as reported by Il Sole 24 ore-, Italy ranks first in the world among destinations searched online - observes Roberto Liscia, president of Netcomm the Italian digital commerce consortium - but is eighth in terms of flows. What makes and will make a difference in this ranking? First of all, the digital accessibility of the whole tourism system. And then we need to work, through artificial intelligence and blockchain, on the frictionless experience so that it improves the effectiveness of services."

The tourism sector is an industry to continue investing in when you consider that (Netcomm/Statista data) by 2022 the online travel booking sector will be worth $437 billion, while mobile services will grow to $578 billion.