What does a team do to work together? What questions! It shares documents, invites colleagues to rectify them, holds meetings, drafts presentations, integrates useful materials and data to align everyone several times a day.
We talked about productivity and Google Workspace just a few articles ago to reflect on tools that help us get work done profitably even in smart working.
Workspace encapsulates, even in its meaning, all the power of new features that provide a more integrated experience for Google users. A unique workplace always at your fingertips.
Why is Google Workspace the ultimate workspace solution?
Tools for agile smartworking or office work. The choice is yours.
Mobile or smart working means being able to collaborate anywhere and from any device (cell phone, tablet, computer), optimizing time, costs, productivity and security.
Google Workspace offers the freedom to consult business information, answer an email, share a document even from the couch at home, with extreme flexibility. This is regardless of occasions of need as the pandemic dictates these days.
The suite includes all the productivity apps you are probably already familiar with, such as Gmail, Calendar, Drive, Documents, Sheets, Presentations, but today it offers unprecedented continuity for your work. In fact, it makes sense to consider these applications as one.
The new features of Google Workspace help gathereven faster feedback and compare visually as well, to reduce the friction of distance when discussing work. An aspect that is by no means negligible, since we are used to in-person communication.
Most advanced collaboration is only on Workspace Google
Technology is still perceived by many as a tool accessible only to IT departments or those with technical skills, but this is not always the case. It is no coincidence that calendars, e-mail, corporate archives, and more are the applications you deal with on a daily basis.
With Google Workspace, you can organize your work applications with ease and relieve your IT department from ongoing support requests.
If you don't have a technical team, Google will support your work with the same power, professionalism, and security that it provides to multinational corporations that have preferred it.
The more technology is integrated with your business needs and all the tools you use, the more it has achieved its purpose. That's why it allows us to increase collaboration unhindered, diminishing the manual and repetitive processes that we perform several times a day.
To give you a concrete example, we want to share the experience of Zachary Yorke, UX Researcher for Google, which we were very impressed with, because it sums up with simplicity a day's work and what he manages to do with Google Workspace.
"On a morning run--he explains--I had a little insight into a project. I slowed down, pulled out my phone, tapped the microphone, and left myself a voice memo in the margins of my document.
Later in the day, after dishes, diapers and sweeping the beam around the high chair, I used that note to improve my presentation.
From my 7-year-old son's bedroom desk, I shared the update with my team just before our work session.
Working for the past six years on teams in four different time zones, between the United States and Europe, has allowed me as a UX researcher at Google to look for more fluid ways to collaborate remotely.
In spite of this experience, I am impressed by how quickly we have adapted to the changes this year."

Google's Workspace: how flexibility helps my team
But what flexibility does Workspace Google allow in practice?
"Here's the workflow with my team: a few days before a meeting I share a document or slides. Everyone starts reviewing them, asking questions, adding comments and quoting colleagues to do the same.
This saves time for several reasons. First, it keeps the meeting circumscribed: before meeting 20 people, we gather input and thoughts in one place without unnecessarily committing our calendars.

Asynchronous conversation also simplifies our meeting agenda. Instead of a long meeting to reach consensus on every detail, we prepare and take 30 minutes to discuss a smaller list of topics to clarify.
Shorter meetings allow for more dynamic discussion, significant factor for resolving problems and making better decisions as a team.
While we get to work, I send my document in the meeting chat. That way, no one has to look for it and we can proceed faster.
Instead of presenting my entire screen, I show a single Chrome tab, so we stay aligned on the same content while I take notes in another document.
This review process allows the entire team to contribute regardless of where they are and respects everyone's time and attention.
Using flexible tools like Google Workspace helps simplify conversations and speed up decision making.
Carefulness is even more important when you work from home.I don't want to be the parent you can't rely on at work, but I also don't want to answer emails while I bathe my child.
The teams and tools you choose can help you preserve your attention when it is needed to focus on work or even when you are at home."
power2Cloud, as a Google Cloud Partner in Italy, can help you in this simple and straightforward innovation path for all your work teams, let's talk about it...