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power2Cloud25/07/193 min

Improve e commerce and website for mobile: Google recommends!

Those who work in Retail and run an e commerce need to focus on the opportunities offered by Mobile which many prefer to desktop.

We gathered some interesting insights at the Netcomm Forum from Emiliano De Matteis Google Mobile Web Lead during his talk Maximizing the Impact through mobile assets.

We propose them for our Retail clients and all those who manage their content online to purchase products or services.


How to improve e commerce and website for Mobile

Are you trying to figure out how you can improve your e commerce or website for Mobile? "Browsers have little time, recalls Emiliano - , especially since they spend 49% of their time on the most used Apps, qso try to optimize your brand presence!" Start by asking:

  • How long does it take to load my website? Did you know that after three seconds of waiting you can lose 50 percent of your users?
  • How easy is it to find what my customer is looking for?Think about Search and highlight it
  • How easy is it to read my site's content from the Mobile screen? Revise the font you have chosen for your content to make it easier for your users to read.
  • How easy is the website to use? An eye-catching graphic is not enough, you need to focus mainly on functionality. Let's try to make the point: how would you react if Starbucks decorated your name with cute squiggles on your cappuccino cup for ten minutes? It would be beautiful, but frustrating!


How can I solve my customers' buying doubts?

Are the products or services you sell the right ones? Your customers are wondering that right now as they browse your site undecided whether or not to confirm their purchase. They are also wondering if that is the best "place" to do it. Boosting your content before they proceed to purchase a product on your e commerce can help with conversion. Here are Emiliano De Matteis' suggestions. Remember a few key points:

  • Product available
  • Size guide
  • Review

In addition, you could reiterate the benefits of hassle-free shopping:

  • Free Shipping 
  • Secure payment
  • Free return in 30 days even in store


How do I increase e commerce conversions?

"People often think of big investments to generate nourished conversions, but it starts with small details: Changing the colors of the buttons you use for Call to Action is not something to underestimate. They can help with conversion, think of an e commerce purchase, a contact form or content navigation."

Bright the Eastpak case presented by Emiliano De Matteis, Google Mobile Web. The company with Google generated a strong transformation and conversion by changing the color of the buttons: from black to orange in Italy (conversion + 12%) and France (conversion increase +3%), to green in Uk (conversion unchanged).


How much does a website have to weigh to be performing especially for mobile?

"From 2010 to 2018, the weight of Mobile sites grew by 1000% . Loading the first pixels very often takes time. Many are relying on the 5 G, but this will not solve the problem, because the Web is getting heavier and heavier!" In this new scenario what are the best practices? "The weight of the site," Emiliano explains, "should be around 1 MB". Do you guys know how much your website weighs? This information is really valuable! To speed up loading and improve usability Eastpak, for example, converted its homepage to a Google AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages Project). AMP loads content 85% times faster than a standard mobile page. Then clearly each individual case must be studied.


Data analysis is critical for your ecommerce

And finally we come to data. "Data is the key to any company's success, but you need to know how to collect, analyze and process it. Studying the data related to your users' website or e commerce behavior can help you make the right decisions. For example, sending the right message at the right time with pop-up messages and phrases that can intercept the requests of the moment.

power2Cloud is a Google Cloud partner. We drive the digital transformation of many companies, including in the world of Retail.