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power2Cloud29/07/191 min

How CIO Club Campania was born. Passion, networking and innovation for area businesses

The dinner organized by power2Cloud at Hotel San Francesco al Monte with some CIOs of enterprises in Campania took place on July 25.

There is a lot of talk about innovation, but what hinders growth in companies in the south is continuity and lack of sharing among insiders even in different sectors. An aspect that in the north is cultivated with periodic appointments in which they always join and participate in large numbers.

To support this careful reflection, gathered during a chat with Pasquale Testa, a forward-thinking and enthusiastic professional, CIO Sole365, power2Cloud wanted to contribute by organizing a dinner before the summer with some IT colleagues present in Campania.

How was the CIO Club Campania born? From the desire to involve IT colleagues to embark on a path made not only of work, but of passion for their work, of knowledge and exchange among professionals who have often crossed paths at least once in their work experience. Pasquale Testa thus began to involve friends and colleagues who represent with the logo of expertise even here in the south, a beacon for innovation, especially considering that many companies operate and continue to expand not only in Italy, but also abroad.

"It was nice to meet and chat informally," explain Giordano Iovine and Davide Bussetti CEO and CIO, respectively, of power2Cloud, "about innovation, a work made of challenges and choices, the ones that IT managers have to carry out on a daily basis in order to continue to offer a competitive advantage to their companies, always guaranteeing high security standards."

The location chosen for the dinner was at the Hotel San Francesco al Monte, at the Terrazza delle Barbanti, a former monastery that offers a striking view of the city of Naples. In fact, the intent was also to raise awareness and enhance the artistic and historical heritage of Campania, in short, businesses from the area for the area!

Present at the dinner with Pasquale Testa, Paolo Cozzi, CIO Caffè Borbone and Felice Albertino, CIO Wycon. Thursday evening's was an occasion of knowledge and exchange to be repeated as soon as possible hoping in the adhesion of other business realities as well. Thank you all!