We have selected for you the top Google Workspace news from the last quarter.
Discover everything you can do today with small and large improvements Google continues to make to its platform and Google Workspace applications.
1. Start a new Meet in one click
You have the ability to quickly open a new meeting with Meet by typing from any browser just meet.new.
2. Quickly contact participants of a Meeting
If you need to communicate via chat with meeting participants to share resources or some information, here are some updates that will make your job easier:
- inside the event in the Calendar on the Web or on your cell phone, you will see a Chat icon next to the guest list: select this icon to create a group chat with all event participants. Please note that this applies only to participants within your organization; external participants are not included in the chat group.

- Always in the Web Calendar or on your cell phone you will find the icon to copy the email addresses of all participants

- But also the icon to Send an email to all the guests included in that Meet

3. Check and easily access the Meet of the Day meetings
In Gmail, you have quick access to the day's meetings and can start one in just a few clicks.
ConsulateMy Meetings to quickly check the day's schedule without accessing Google Calendar, quickly see information about the day's participants, times, and activities.

4. Present your Documents, Sheets or Presentations directly in Meet
Present directly on Google Meet from Documents, Sheets, or Google Presentations to simplify the presentation of your files to those who are attending.
I recommend you must use a Chrome browser on your computer to present Google Documents, Sheets or Presentations in Google Meet.
Here's how to do it:
- Go to Google Meet.
- Participate in a meeting.
- Open a file in Documents, Sheets, or Presentations .
- In the top menu area, click on Submit to a meeting.
- Choose your meeting (or enter a meeting code).
- Select the tab preview to confirm and start sharing.
- Back in Meet, view the content presented directly in the meeting.
5. Enable automatic brightness adjustment for your Meet
Increase visibility in Google Meet on the web. Working even in smart work, it can often happen to be in dimly lit environments or to set up the desk against the light maybe behind a window. That's why we explain how to activate the feature that uses artificial intelligence to automatically adjust your video and make you more visible.
Saying that dark is not good but neither is too much light, Google Meet on the Web automatically detects when a user appears underexposed and increases the brightness to improve visibility.
Here's how to do it:
- On your computer, open meet.google.com .
- Participate in a video call.
- Before joining or during the call, click on the three dots at the bottom, then on Settings.
- On the left side, click Video and Camera.
- Adjust the video lighting. Enable the function Allows you to see yourself even in low light conditions.
- In the upper right corner, click Close.
How to reduce or increase the quality of your video.
Here's how you can change your computer's camera or video quality if you find:
- Video or audio delays
- Poor network connection
- Dead battery
- Limited data available
- Other quality problems
How to change the camera or video resolution
- In a web browser, open meet.google.com/.
- Click on Settings, then on Video .
- Choose a setting you wish to change:
- Camera: select the camera device. If your camera works, to the right of Video you will see your video feed.
- Send Resolution : the quality of the image from your device that others see.
- Receiving Resolution : the quality of the image that you see from other participants.
- Click End.
6. See Time Insights to understand how much time you spend on Meet and with which users
We all complain that Meetings go by so fast, now you can also control how much time you invest in meetings by consulting well-defined metrics.
You can now access Google Meet Usage Information (Time Insights) to find out how you spend your time in meetings, you will have available: Time Analysis, Time Spent in Meetings, People You Attend Meetings With.
If you do not see the Time Insights option, your administrator may have disabled it for your organization.
- You can view Time Insights only on your computer.
- If you manage other people's calendars and have "manage share access" permission for those calendars, you can view their Time Insights.
7. Make all file types available offline in Google Drive
Google Drive stores your most important files, whether they are Documents, Sheets, Presentations, PDFs, images or the hundreds of other types of files. Google continues to work to make all types of files (not just Google files) accessible, even when your Internet connection is unavailable.
In 2019, Google launched a beta version that made files such as PDFs, images, and Microsoft Office files available in Google Drive on the Web offline.
Now Google is making this functionality available to everyone. So if you mark these files as available offline, you can easily open them from your browser even when you are not connected to the Internet.
8. Simplify searches with new filters in Gmail

Searching in Gmail on the Web is even more intuitive and timely: take advantage of the drop-down lists to find specific information right away. Under "From," you'll now be able to quickly type in a name, choose from a list of suggested senders, or search for emails from multiple senders.
9. Disable or re-enable automatic saving of answers to Forms and Quizzes
.When you answer a Google form, a quiz when you are logged into your Google account, your answers will be automatically saved as a draft for 30 days from the last edit or until you complete the submission.
This feature that has been in high demand by Google users helps you avoid having to start over if:
- You cannot complete a form or quiz at one time,
- You have to switch between devices,
- You have low Internet connectivity.
If you want to turn off auto-saving, we'll explain how to do it.
- In the Google Form click on Settings.
- Next to "Presentation," click the down arrow.
- In Limitations you can disable auto-saving for all respondents.
The latest Google Workspace news: conclusions
These are some of the updates from the last quarter that you might find interesting.
As you know Google is constantly working to release updates and improve the user experience for its users, simplifying the work and integrations between all its applications.
power2Cloud, as a Google Cloud partner in Italy, cares about providing assistance to its customers for migration, deployment and training. We work to make effective adoption of the technology within each reality according to specific needs.