From June 17 to 19 we will be between Ischia and Procida at the first event of the IOC Club Italia, "Between Technology and Culture", sponsored by the Campania Region. The occasion, strongly desired by President Pasquale Testa and his associates, was created to facilitate discussion and networking among Italian IT managers and CEOs.
power2Cloud, in addition to being a sponsor of the event, will participate with its CEO, Giordano Iovine, in the panel discussion "The CIO today: a Manager between Technologies and Processes" to share know-how and opportunities offered by the integrations and cloud solutions we partner with.
"We are pleased to support this initiative and to network with so many innovation professionals in Italy. Digital tools alone are not enough, human capital is essential to build solid and scalable projects," confirms Giordano Iovine. "It is the people and professionals on each team that make each goal more ambitious and possible, especially if they work in unison, technology is only a means."
The agenda of the three-day event organized by the CIO Club Italia is really rich: the rediscovery of the territory of the islands of the Gulf of Naples, Ischia and Procida elected just this year Capital of Culture 2022, will be punctuated by networking moments to share ideas on the evolution of information and communication technologies within public and private structures.
CIO Club Italia: an innovative community to grow together
"Innovation can be held back by the lack of a united community and sharing of ideas," urges President Pasquale Testa to reflect. "The CIO Club Italia was created with the aim of creating a solid network in the south as well, but without remaining too anchored to our territory. Together we can solve the limitations of old technologies, migrate to new ones, allowing companies to reach increasingly ambitious goals."
The CIO Club Italia, which is present with its delegates in 15 regions and today counts 800 CIOs and IT Managers, was born in Naples in November 2019 from the will of professionals working in the field of Information Technology eager to realize a free association able to share for work or passion the management of IT departments.
In the past two years, the CIO Club Italia has created a network of vendors, start-ups and companies to build new growth and business opportunities together, solicitingopen discussion in the field of innovation through virtuous connections, national events and training courses dedicated to IT managers and CIOs.
Power2Cloud, has supported the CIO Club Italy since its inception, because it believes in the value of sharing, whether it is cloud solutions, expertise and best practices.
Realities operating in different verticals are united by the goal of improving departmental and resource management, regardless of whether this is in small and medium-sized Italian companies, as well as more structured ones.
The appointment in Ischia, stay tuned!