"We were looking for a solution," explains Giuseppe Pasculli, Administrative Director of SANB Spa, "to respond to the TQRIF (Testo unico per la regolazione della qualità del servizio di gestione dei rifiuti urbani) regulations recently issued by ARERA (Regulatory Authority for Energy Networks and Environment), to implement transparency requirements on the management of a public service, such as urban hygiene management.
Law No. 205 of December 27, 2017, State Budget for the financial year 2018 and multi-year budget for the three-year period 2018-2020, assigned to ARERA regulatory and control functions on urban waste, specifying that these functions are attributed "with the same powers and within the framework of the principles, purposes and attributions, including those of a sanctioning nature, established by Law 481/95."
With ARERA Resolution No. 444 of October 31, 2019 on Transparency in the waste management service and ARERA Resolution No. 15/2022/R/rif of January 18, 2022 on the Regulation of the quality of the municipal waste management service, the boundaries within which the Managers of waste collection services must operate have been outlined, for the purpose of controlling the efficiency and effectiveness of the public service and for the benefit of the community so that it can pay the right price and obtain adequate services.
All of the above presupposes a vast production of technical and economic datathat must be: collected, normalized, classified, and archived in such a way as to be usable and used to create reports and indicators useful for continuous improvement processes and public service transparency requirements.
"The marriage with HubSpot was born to respond to this need and put in place the next compliance. 2023 is the first year of experimentation granted by ARERA to allow us to adapt in the correct way to the new regulations, while with 2024 the obligations of transparency and reporting of the related data will be more stringent.
Before adopting HubSpot, we tested other software, but in the end we preferred to rely on HubSpot, which in terms of guarantees of stability and adherence to the standards required by ARERA, has concretely satisfied us.
The solution
"The adoption of HubSpot," Pasculli continues, "has allowed us to respond to ARERA's requirements on the one hand, but also to learn about and use CRM (Customer Relationship Management) features to better manage contacts with users.
The designed system includes three levels of HubSpot use:
The first level is managed by the system manager, the second by a technical/administrative structure, and the third level is managed by the contact persons on the ground (team leaders) who materially manage the instance life cycle.
With power2Cloud we have created automations, so a service ticket can be viewed at all levels and most importantly it reaches the end operator, who materially handles it and can manage and close it once he or she has completed the required operation.
In compliance with Resolution No. 15/2022 ARERA Waste, more in detail the following data are recorded:
The data collected are the basis for generating a report on the activities carried out from the date of opening of the application to the date of closure, so as to check how many closures are within the limit set by ARERA and how many are beyond, giving reasons for the deviations.
The customer/service user can submit instances through a variety of tools: Whatsapp, Website, a dedicated Mobile App, and via Email. All of these tools flow into HubSpot, which serves as the "management" tool.
"Before implementing HubSpot within SANB, reports were handled manually. Citizens had a call center, which was operational during office hours, and a WhatsApp Business number, which, however, proved to be dysfunctional.
In fact, users were using it to chat, moreover, this channel did not allow us to identify our interlocutor to confirm TARI ownership, nor to have all the necessary information to properly deliver the service.
To track and improve the service provided to the citizenry, we integrated HubSpot to WhatsApp Business, sending a form to be filled out with mandatory data. Citizens have gradually learned to write in more detail their needs or issues in order to be better assisted.
The transition from the old system to the new one was a bit slow at first, but the innovation introduced has served to streamline procedures and track the work of all actors in the processes involved. To speed up support, we created a FAQ page with HubSpot for frequently asked questions and answer templates to further streamline the work of the contact center, which is already very busy at the toll-free number.
Another strategic operation is reporting, which is now done through the process of exporting collected data and reprocessing it. We have created short pipelines that suit our workflows. In the intermediate stages we only foresee tickets waiting to be processed, that is, those that we cannot close in the immediate term because they require perhaps the replacement of a container that has yet to arrive.
HubSpot works perfectly, it is very agile and relatively easy to use with the right training. It is a reliable and functional tool that needs to be rightly dropped into the needs of each reality. We are totally satisfied with the consulting and training provided by power2Cloud for HubSpot; the team has been helpful and knowledgeable."