Pizza has generated a trend in recent years that is capable of boosting sales, and it is destined to grow, in fact Italian chains are going to multiply.
Pambianco speaks of pizza as an affordable luxury for families and a market that focuses on research and quality products, especially with PDO and PGI ingredients, accompanied by wine and beer lists, just to please.
Even events gravitating around the world of pizza have garnered enthusiastic endorsements among those in the industry and beyond. On July 23 at the Mercadante Theater in Naples, the third edition of 50 Top Pizza was held, which honored the 50 best pizzerias in Italy and around the world. The initiative was conceived with foresight by Luciano Pignataro, journalist and food critic, Barbara Guerra and Albert Sapere, curators of the international conference Le Strade della Mozzarella.
Mandara, a power2Cloud client, honored on the stage of 50 Top Pizza, along with other representatives of the food and wine world such as Kimbo, Sanpellegrino, Olitalia, Solania, Pastificio De Martino, Prosecco DOC Italian Genio, Birrificio Valsugana, the pizza makers who have distinguished themselves around the world. On stage the top exponents of the white art even from Australia and Brazil.
"Pizza is the official passport! - explained Oscar Farinetti at the presentation of the Pastificio di Martino valorization of Made in Italy 2019 AwardWhen we opened the first Eataly in New York on August 31, 2010, there were six blocks of queues because we communicated pizza and pasta well. Every year we bake 2.1 million pizzas worldwide with stone-ground organic flours and natural sourdough.We launched the pizza project: we want every Eataly to have its own, reflecting the character of the pizza maker and the people who make it."
But how many young people are there in the pizza world? "An awful lot. We owe our great success to so many Italian pizza makers who long before us went out into the world to tell the story of Italy. We found ourselves open roads thanks to those young people who had the courage to take real Italian pizza abroad. We recently opened Eataly in Kuwait, on October 25 we will open in Toronto and continue on May 20 next year. Abroad we often rely on Franco Manna and his partners at Rossopomodoro."
Rossopomodoro - Pambianco confirms -in 2018 grew by 15% starting from a base of over 80 million, out of a total of over 140 million for the entire Sebeto group. Like-for-like growth was 3 percent. And the development plan is focused on the new Rossopomodoro like a day in Naples concept, tested last year starting in Milan with above-average results for the brand," for which restyling and new openings are planned.
The Territorial Identity Mandara Award 2019, presented by Silvia and Francesco Mandara went to Pupillo Pura Pizza (Priverno), but let's take a look at the top ten awards together. On the podium of 50 Top Pizza ex aequo Peepe in Grani by Franco Pepe (Caiazzo) and I Masanielli by Francesco Martucci (Caserta) followed in third place by 50 Kalò by Ciro Salvo (Naples).
Fourth place again was Campania with Gino Sorbillo and his pizzeria in Via dei Tribunali in Naples, sixth Francesco and Salvatore Salvo in Chiaia (Naples), seventh La Notizia 94 in Naples, and ninth Casa Vitiello in Tuoro (Caserta). The first non-Campania prize went to Simone Padoan with the I Tigli pizzeria in San Bonifacio (Verona), which finished in fifth place. Finally, Roman pizzeria Seu Pizza Illuminati in eighth place, ninth Casa Vitiello in Tuoro (Caserta) and tenth La Gatta Mangiona.
11 Pizzaria La Notizia 53, Naples, Campania
12 Renato Bosco Pizzeria, San Martino Buon Albergo (VR), Veneto
13 Starita Pizzeria in Materdei, Naples, Campania
14 Berberè, Castel Maggiore (BO), Emilia-Romagna
15 Da Zero, Milan, Lombardy
16 Francesco&Salvatore Salvo - San Giorgio, San Giorgio a Cremano (NA), Campania
17 Cocciuto, Milan, Lombardy
18 La Masardona, Naples, Campania
19 Patrick Ricci - Terra, Grani, Esplorazioni, San Mauro Torinese (TO), Piedmont
20 Pignalosa Pizzeria, Salerno, Campania
21 10 Diego Vitagliano Pizzeria, Naples, Campania
22 Pizzeria Apogeo, Pietrasanta (LU), Tuscany
23 'O Scugnizzo, Arezzo, Tuscany
24 In Fucina, Rome, Lazio
25 Pizzeria Da Attilio, Naples, Campania
26 'O Fiore Mio, Faenza (RA), Emilia-Romagna
27 Carlo Sammarco Pizzeria 2.0, Frattamaggiore (NA), Campania
28 Tonda, Rome, Lazio
29 Pizzeria Da Lioniello, Succivo (CE), Campania
30 Pizzeria Da Ezio, Alano di Piave (BL), Veneto
31 Piccola Piedigrotta, Reggio Emilia, Emilia-Romagna
32 Dry, Milan, Lombardy
33 I Masanielli - Sasà Martucci, Caserta, Campania
34 Grigoris, Mestre (VE), Veneto
35 Officine del Cibo, Sarzana (SP), Liguria
36 Fandango Tales of Grains, Scalera (PZ), Basilicata
37 Enosteria Lipen, Triuggio (MB), Lombardy
38 Giangi Pizzeria Gourmet, Arielli (CH), Abruzzo
39 Frumento, Acireale (CT), Sicily
40 Framento, Cagliari, Sardinia
41 La Braciera, Palermo, Sicily
42 Marghe, Milan, Lombardy
43 L'Osteria di Birra del Borgo, Rome, Lazio
44 Osteria Pizzeria Per Bacco, La Morra (CN), Piedmont
45 400 Degrees, Lecce, Puglia
46 Pupillo Pura Pizza, Priverno (LT), Lazio
47 Lievito Madre al Duomo, Milan, Lombardy
48 Isabella De Cham Pizza Fritta, Naples, Campania
49 Pizzeria Mamma Rosa, Ortezzano (FM), Marche
50 Sbanco, Rome, Lazio