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Google Maps: 5 ways to enhance your work! - power2Cloud blog

Written by power2Cloud | 15/07/19

If you are wondering how to use Google Maps to empower your business, you are in the right post. We at power2Cloud want to explain how to use Google Maps by illustrating some instances where you might easily recognize yourself.

Google Maps needs no introduction: it has 99% coverage of the world, 25 million daily updates, and 1 billion active users. Google Maps is much more than a navigator, you should know that!


Here's how to use Google Maps to empower your business

  • Integrate Maps with your web applications to better interact with your Customers and intercept new ones
  • Customize your applications. Through APIs in JavaScript we can create a logical segment, an overlay, a flexible overlay with your custom data. Let's take an example: do you have multiple stores and want to visualize your locations with reference to precise details such as the number of storefronts, turnover and year of opening? If you have created a database with all this information, we can integrate it to Google Maps with a Script to have clear location of the stores and all these items. Thanks to geolocation you can find out so much useful information, think about your competitors!You can figure out how far they are from your store, you can study nearby facilities or institutions that can feed your target audience, and much more. These functions of course need to be developed, because in the App we use every day, the field of research is narrower.
  • Ease the logistics and operations of your team by monitoring, thanks to Google Maps, in real time, the routes to be followed. This is true if you operate in the transportation industry or other fields. You can cross-reference exactly the positioning of your employees and the requests your company collects, for services, perhaps, to increase the operability of your decisions! Imagine, how much time you could save. Your work would become performant with benefits to your team and the Clients who come to you.
  • Analyze your data and brand your marketing strategy. Cross-reference, in real time, your stores' geographic and sales trends to intercept Customers and study your company's performance.
  • If yours is a customer-oriented business, you will know that the relationship with the Customer is a key building block on which to build a solid relationship.By cross-referencing CRM with Google Maps, you can immediately visualize customer locations and always offer timely and immediate responses.

These are just a few opportunities. The one that's right for you may not have been written yet, but we can develop it together.