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Distant but united. The opportunities of smart working.

Written by power2Cloud | 15/03/20

"Today more than ever: innovation and digital to turn this difficult time into a great opportunity for all of us. Because only together can we win this game: together we can be united, even if distant."

We share the words of Minister for Digital Innovation Paola Pisano. We applaud her commitment and the work she is following to support citizens, Schools and Labor at this time.

How are you experiencing this change? Think about the people who are experiencing smart working for the first time these days juggling children, online shopping and video conferencing, the teachers engaged with students with their first online classes.

"Being in a different place than work can still bring efficiency and collaboration. Indeed, many meetings that used to fill our days and leave us little time to think have been cut," explained Innovation Minister Paola Pisano from her Facebook page live with Marco Camisani Calzolari.

But what does agile work translate into? From home it is possible to safely organize our activities and scan our day without interruptions, starting with video conferences that can facilitate our contacts right now, but also chats for the quick exchange of information.


Speed, simplicity, security.

"We already produce digital documents," Marco Camisani Calzolari reflects, " but we are used to doing it by being close: pass me that file, check this. Now instead we have to communicate from our homes.

"Within the Department of Innovation," confirms Minister Paola Pisano, "we are working in smart working with Documents on which several people can collaborate together. It is very interesting because you can see the changes and who makes them. It sounds trivial, but it is interesting applied to other areas, think of the tools that could enter the life of the Public Administration."

Real-time collaboration can also come in handy in creative processes, it applies to text, slides, all the way to sharing your screen. This can happen on any device, a computer, tablet or cell phone.

"We worked all day on mobile while having computers. The cell phone," continued the Minister for Innovation, "is the tool we all have in our pockets and can simplify collaboration. It's simple, you just need to access the documents we have in the office, this problem needs to be understood and addressed."

If many still feel bewildered and are reorganizing their habits, evaluating cloud solutions for their mobile office we recognize ourselves in the words of Marco Camisani Calzolari.

"We take these choices not as an obligation due to circumstances but as an opportunity to improve, because these are tools that will make our lives easier later on. They are faster, simpler and save money. It's a matter of habit!"

"We can rediscover a new way of working. If we like this method we have to demand it," explains Paola Pisano convincingly. "Why do we have to ask a person to move to our office when we can connect and tell each other what we want through video conferencing?

This among other things eliminates negative externalities: we have not polluted, we have not wasted time, we have not moved with other people distracting them from their work.

We have had digital for many years, today we have the opportunity to use it in a structured, structural and massive way, let's seize this beautiful opportunity!"

Our team has always worked in the cloud with Google solutions, if you need to review your work tools and want to evaluate cloud solutions
