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Campania hosts third leg of regional digital summit

Written by power2Cloud | 31/07/19

"The Campania Region invests heavily in digitization, infrastructure, skills and their spillover to the business world and public administration," said Valeria Fascione, regional councillor for internationalization, start-ups, innovation, on Friday morning at the press conference presenting the third edition of the Regional Digital Summit to be held on September 26 at the University Pole in San Giovanni a Teduccio

At the headquarters of the Campania Regional Council, in the presence of Antonio Marciano, Councillor Quaestor for Finance of the Campania Regional Council, Antonio Marciano, Regional Councillor for Internationalization, Start-ups, Innovation, Valeria Fascione and Roberto Masiero, President The Innovation Group, the rich agenda of meetings was presented.

"There will be three major focuses on infrastructure, environment and territories and digital health," added Fascione, "which is our priority, then on the world of culture and tourism, which is a key asset. With a view to boosting digital skills, the Campania Region has initiated the Digital Changes program, allocating four million for digital training in schools." 

Naples, after Genoa and Rome, will host the third stage of the Digital Summit Regionali dedicated to the state of the art of digital development and transformation involving representatives from the world of Institutions,University, business andresearch

The initiative, promoted by The Innovation Group, in collaboration with the Regional Council of Campania, the Regional Council of Campania and the University of Naples Federico II, takes on an important and significant role in the sign of innovation and addresses the entire economic and social fabric of the Campania region. 

"Campania has gained two positions to become the 13th region in Italy for the digitization of the workforce employed by organizations and is the first region in the South." Foreshadowing the contents of the analysis carried out by the Center for Digital Economy was Roberto Masiero, President The Innovation Group - moreover, Naples, in the period between 2011 and 2018, rose from 55th to 24th position and, above all, has moved steadily above the national average."

"Our region looks carefully at digitization and has obtained important recognition in this area  - said Antonio Marciano, Quaestor for Finance, Campania Regional Council -, in fact, in the Regional Council, we have decided to allocate the few free resources to innovation, digitization, and the dematerialization of the legislative process and the activities of the Council and Commissions. We are the first region in the South to host this event and we will work in synergy with the world of universities, research and business for the best success of this initiative."


The program of the Regional Digital Summit

The proceedings will begin at 9.00 with the plenary session on "Economic Development, Productive Activities and the Implementation of the Digital Transformation in Campania," which will feature introductions by the President of the Campania Region, Vincenzo De Luca, and the President of the Campania Regional Council, Rosa D'Amelio, and speeches by, among others, Councillor Fascione the Extraordinary Commissioner for the implementation of the Digital Agency of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Luca Attias, the Rector of the University of Naples Federico II, Gaetano Manfredi, Questore Marciano, the President of the III Permanent Council Commission, Nicola Marrazzo, and the Minister for Technological Innovation and Digitization, Paola Pisano.

The work will continue with sessions dedicated to "Infrastructure, transportation and mobility: the regional development model," which will be opened by the Chairman of the IV Permanent Council Commission, Luca Cascone, to "Organizational innovation: The New Welfare, Continuity of Care Supply Chains and Digital Health," with speeches by, among others, the Regional Councillor for Budget, Ettore Cinque, and the Chairman of the Fifth Permanent Council Commission, Stefano Graziano, and to "Digitization as a Lever of Promotion and Development for Cultural Heritage and Tourism," with an introduction by the Regional Councillor for Tourism Development and Promotion, Corrado Matera

Finally, the afternoon sessions on "The Priorities of the Digital Agenda in the Campania Region," with the participation of the Chairwoman of the Special Transparency Commission, Valeria Ciarambino, and the concluding plenary session with speeches by, among others, the Regional Councillor for Productive Activities and Scientific Research, Antonio Marchiello, the Chairwoman of the Special Commission on Unbureaucratization, Maria Grazia Di Scala.

Preliminary Agenda



Opening Plenary Session

"Economic Development, Productive Activities and the Implementation of Digital Transformation in Campania"

Moderator: Roberto Masiero, President, The Innovation Group

Greetings from:

Giorgio Ventre, Scientific Director Apple Developer Academy, University of Naples "Federico II"


Vincenzo De Luca, President, Campania Regional Council

Rosa D'Amelio, President, Campania Regional Council

The following spoke:

Valeria Fascione, Councillor for Internationalization, Start Up - Innovation, Campania Region

Luca Attias, Extraordinary Commissioner for the Implementation of the Digital Agenda, Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Gaetano Manfredi, Rector, University of Naples "Federico II"

Antonio Marciano, Quaestor for Finance, Campania Regional Council

Nicola Marrazzo, Chairman III Permanent Commission, Campania Regional Council

Marco Gay, President, Anitec-Assinform

Elio Catania, Delegate for Digital Growth of the Enterprise System, Confindustria

Luigi Nicolais, President, Campania Digital Innovation Hub

Rosario Cerra, President, Digital Economy Center

Massimo Palermo, Country Manager, Avaya Italy

Representative of Oracle Italy

Concluding remarks:

Paola Pisano, Minister for Technological Innovation and Digitization (tbc)


Coffee Break


Parallel Session A

"Infrastructure, transportation and mobility: the regional development model"

Moderator: Ezio Viola, CEO, The Innovation Group


Luca Cascone, Chairman IV Permanent Commission, Campania Regional Council

Massimo Bisogno, Information Systems Staff, ITSC, Research and Innovation, Campania Mobility, Infrastructure and Networks Agency (ACaMIR)

Pietro Spirito, President, Port Authority of the Central Tyrrhenian Sea System

Antonella Galdi, Deputy Secretary General, ANCI (tbc)

Fabrizio Perrone, CEO, Digital Logistics (tbc)

Flavio Farroni, CEO, Megaride

Sandro Bovelli, CEO, Sentetic


Parallel Session B

"Organizational innovation: the new welfare, continuity of care supply chains, and digital health."

Moderator: Iside Castagnola, Media and Minors Committee, Ministry of Economic Development



Ettore Cinque, Councillor Budget, Financing of the Regional Health Service, Computerization of Regional Administrative Processes, Campania Region

Stefano Graziano, Chairman V Permanent Commission, Campania Regional Council

Gianluca Postiglione, Director General, So.Re.Sa.

Simone Puksic, President, Assinter Italy

Mauro Draoli, Procurement Strategies and Market Innovation Service, AgID

Luigi Romano, Full Professor Information Processing Systems, University of Naples "Parthenope"

Sergio Fiora, Industry Architect - Local Government and Healthcare, Oracle Italy

Antonella Arminante, Marketing and Communications Manager, Paginemediche

Lorenzo Gragnaniello, CEO, Carpitech


Parallel Session C

"Digitization as a lever of promotion and development for cultural heritage and tourism"

Moderator: Emilio Mango, Sole Director, Indigo Communication


Corrado Matera, Councillor for Tourism Development and Promotion, Campania Region

Lucio D'Alessandro, Rector, Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Studies (tbc)

Rosanna Romano, Directorate General for Cultural Policies and Tourism, Campania Region (tbc)

Claudio Bocci, Director General, Federculture

Sylvain Bellenger, Director, Capodimonte Museum

Francesca Jacobone, President, Zètema Progetto Cultura

Antonella Salvatore, Director Center for Professional and Continuing Education and Career Services, John Cabot University (tbc)

Bruno Frangipani, Sole Director, Glossa Consortium

Mario Amura, CEO, Phlay

Sebastiano Deva, Independent Artist & CEO, AppTripper Emotional Experience


Light Lunch

Afternoon sessions


Round Table

"Digital Agenda priorities in the Campania Region: 5G opportunities, artificial intelligence, IoT, robotics, open data, big data and cybersecurity."

Moderator: Ezio Viola, CEO, The Innovation Group


Vito Merola, Directorate General for Universities, Research and Innovation, Campania Region

Maurizio Decina, Professor Emeritus, Politecnico di Milano

Elio Gullo, Director General, Office of Innovation and Digitization, Department of Civil Service (tbc)

Paolo Ghezzi, Director General, Infocamere

Luigi Carrino, Professor of Processing Technologies and Systems, University of Naples "Federico II"

Giuseppe Ferretti, Technical Director Information Systems, Campania Regional Council

Pasquale Di Gennaro, Cybersecurity, IT and Data Protection Officer, Italian Data Protection Authority (tbc)

Valeria Ciarambino, Chairwoman Transparency Commission, Control over the activities of the Region and related entities and the use of all funds, Campania Regional Council

Valeria Fascione, Councillor for Internationalization, Start Up - Innovation, Campania Regional Council

Team Open Data Campania Region: Awarding of the young winners of the Contest: "Represent Your Dataset"


Concluding Plenary Session

"The excellence of Campania's territories and industry toward the digital economy"

Moderator: Roberto Masiero, President, The Innovation Group


Antonio Marchiello, Assessore AttivitĂ  Produttive e Ricerca Scientifica, Regione Campania

Maria Grazia Di Scala, President IV Special Commission, Campania Regional Council

Piero Salatino, President, Polytechnic and Basic Sciences School, University of Naples "Federico II"

Giorgio Ventre, Scientific Director Apple Developer Academy, University of Naples "Federico II"

Teresa Alvaro, Director General, AgID (tbc)

Michele Zanocco, National Secretary, FIM-CISL

Carlo Borgomeo, President, Foundation with the South

Maria Grazia Falciatore, Head of Unified Programming, Campania Region

Nello Tuorto, General Manager, Finetica Onlus

Amleto Picerno Ceraso, Co-Founder, Medaarch - Centro Artigianato Digitale

Sebastian Caputo, CEO, Innovation Hub 012 Factory

Ennio Rubino, President, STRESS Technology District

Domenico Sottile, CEO, EMA European Aerospace Microfusion


Conclusion of work